About Us
We are a Consulting Engineering practice specialising in all aspects of Electrical Services design and documentation. This includes and not restricted to Electrical Services, Process Control, Automation, Lift Services, Telecommunication Systems (Telstra/NBN), Data and Private Comms Systems, Fire Systems, Security Systems and many other related services.
We are fully accredited to offer contestable works for all Victorian Electricity Utilities. This includes Underground Residential Distribution (URD) design and project management, as well as utility infrastructure engineering and designs such as installation or relocation of power poles, road lighting, utility distribution etc.
We work in association with Mechanical and Hydraulics Engineering Consultants to provide a full package of design services.
The company philosophy is to provide excellence in technical content and service. As part of management strategy, we maintain a core of experienced and dedicated personnel, whilst a senior member of our practice will act as the Client liaison officer and project co-ordinator.
We place great importance on all our projects large or small. Our company prides itself in ensuring that “the buck stops with us”. We WILL find a solution to whatever the query or challenge our Client poses, electrical or not.
Our team of qualified and experienced engineers will provide guidance through one or all phases of a project:
Pre-design phase:
Reverse briefs, negotiation with authorities, equipment space allocations, site surveys and due diligence reports
Design development phase:
Coordination process, preliminary design documentation, tender document packages
Tender management phase:
Invitation to tenderers, issuing tenders, closing tender, analysing tenders and providing recommendation
Construction phase:
Post tender document amendments, construction issue package, responding to RFIs, processing shop drawings, assessing progress payment and cost variation claims and general construction guidance
Project Management for Electricity Utility contestable works
Post construction phase:
Defects inspections, As-built drafting, Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Manual review and processing final payment claims.